Friday, August 2, 2013

Preparing for the Cleveland Open

Hello, my fellow chess enthusiasts! This is my first chess blog post.  I am getting ready to play in the Cleveland Open in only 1 week!! I am working on my tactics and openings right now, and it is quite fun at the same time. I'm excited, and hoping to do well in the U1800 section.

In order to prepare, I am looking through some of my past games.  Here is round four from the 2013 CSCL Championships:
White: Mitch Fabian (1544)
Black: Ryan Tsai (1581)
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bb5 Nf6
Ryan and I have played many games, and the Rossolimo Sicilian comes up quite often.
4. e5
I decide right away to get aggressive and dislodge his knight.
4... Nd5
5. c4
Once more attacking the knight and forcing it to move.
5... Ndb4
6. d3
The point of moving d3 here is to stop the knight from getting into the hole on d3.
6... Qa5
7. 0-0 g6
8. Bd2
Much better is the move 8. a3! followed by a later Bd2, with better timing.
8... Qc7
9. Bc3 a6
10. Ba4 e6?
A mistake that allows for:
11. a3! b5
12. cxb5 axb5
13. Bxb5 Nd5
14. Bxc6 Qxc6
15. Bd2?
Gives up initiative for the sake of keeping the bishop.
15... Ba6
16. Bg5 Be7?
Giving up the dark-squared bishop creates many holes that white will gladly exploit.
17. Bxe7 Nxe7
18. Nc3
Finally finishing development of the minor pieces.
18... Qb7
19. Qd2 Rb8
20. Rab1 Nd5
21. Ne4!
Keeping the knight is very important to exposing black's structural weaknesses. The knight is now eying many holes from its new post.
21... 0-0
22. Nf6+ Kg7
23. Ng4 Kh8
24. Qh6 d6??
The saving moves were either 24... f6 or 24... f5
25. Nf6+!
Black resigns

As I continue to practice, I will continue to make updates. Thank you!

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